Business Support

Please support these local businesses which have made financial or material contributions to Sofas for Service.

When we put out the call to raise money for a new trailer and new truck they made a difference.   

I really don’t know how to begin this letter besides saying Thank You! I have spent a lifetime helping others, both family and friends, and would never have imagined that I could end up in the predicament in which I found myself about a year ago. I don’t know if it was the constant medical issues, depression from my children moving out of the house, a by-product of the Co-vid Virus or a multitude of other problems which ultimately caused me to become homeless. Whatever the reason, I found myself in complete despair and felt utterly worthless. When Angela Fox helped me get in touch with your organization, I was somewhat skeptical. I had never heard of your organization and couldn’t fathom that a group of individuals could be so dedicated to helping others without zero possibility of personal gain. I was so wrong! When my son and I arrived there to pick up various household objects, I was astonished. The demeanor of everyone present that morning was so inspiring. I can’t remember being around a group of people who were so filled with joy and the smiles on your faces throughout the morning made it obviously evident how each of you felt about the mission you were fulfilling. You helped us with such a wonderful variety of household items that when we returned home later that afternoon, we actually had a home. Beyond the material things that we received from your organization, the one thing I received more valuable than anything else was my dignity and self-respect. The hope you have given me has flourished multi-fold. I have since returned to school to work on tools to help me as I have begun working with North Lakes Community Clinic on doing volunteer work helping other homeless veterans in the Ashland area. As I have started this endeavor, I am beginning to understand exactly what the benefit you received when you helped someone like me. Please don’t ever think that what you are doing does not have an immense impact on those you are serving. You wonderful people literally helped save my life. My hopes and prayers are that I can continue your mission locally and that I too may be able to help someone who is currently in the same shoes I once was. Unfortunately, our society does not understand the plight that many veterans have to overcome, but with the help of more organizations like yours, just maybe that ideation is changing.